ILP 66: One Word

 In Intentional Life, Podcast Episodes

On today’s episode we are talking about the idea of choosing one word to guide your intentions for the upcoming year. I have chosen a word of the year since 2012 and it has been super helpful for me.

I take my time choosing a word and typically choose it within the context of my year end review. I sit with the words for a while to make sure that they feel right for where I want to go.

Here are a few simple suggestions that may help you.

  • Get honest about 2020. What worked? What didn’t? What would you want more of? What do you want less of in 2021?
  • Think about future you. Visualize what you want. Who do you want to be?
  • Make a list of words. Write down whatever comes to mind. Later, narrow it down to three words and then sit with them.

I’d love to hear from you. What’s your word for 2021? Have you chosen it yet? I’d love to connect with you on Facebook or Instagram. You can also join us in the Intentional Life Facebook group.

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