IL 25: 2019

 In Intentional Life, Podcast Episodes

On today’s episode, we talk about 2019 and some simple steps that can help you as you begin to prepare for the next year. We did this exercise at Raise Your Vibe last week, and it was very well received, so I wanted to share it with you.

Here’s what we did.

  1. Celebrate YOU in 2019. Choose something that you are really proud of, and write it down, and share it with someone. Take the time to really celebrate you and your accomplishment.
  2. Let it go. Choose to let something go that no longer serves you. Leave it in 2019, and don’t take it with you into 2020. Write it down, and then tear it up or burn it. And consciously choose to let it go.
  3. Set an intention for 2020. Choose something (or multiple things) that you want to be intentional about in the new year. Write it down and put it somewhere you can see it.

I’d love to hear from you after you do the exercise. Was this helpful? What came up for you? Feel free to email me at or connect with me on Facebook or Instagram.

We’re starting a three month group coaching program in January and I’d love to have you join us. You can get more details here.

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